Corporate News

Change of Nominated Adviser

15 July 2024

The Company announces that its Nominated Adviser has changed to Zeus Capital Limited with immediate effect.

This change follows completion of the acquisition by Zeus Capital Limited of the WH Ireland Capital Markets Division (from WH Ireland Limited), announced earlier today.


For further information please contact:

Anexo Group plc                                                                                                    
Alan Sellers, Executive Chairman

Mark Bringloe, Chief Financial Officer

Nick Dashwood Brown, Head of Investor Relations

+44 (0) 151 227 3008


Zeus Capital Limited (Nominated Adviser and Broker)

Hugh Morgan/ David Foreman / Darshan Patel (Investment Banking)

Fraser Marshall / Simon Johnson (Corporate Broking)

+44 (0) 20 3829 5000



Notes to Editors:

Anexo is a specialist integrated credit hire and legal services provider. The Group has created a unique business model by combining a direct capture Credit Hire business with a wholly owned Legal Services firm. The integrated business targets the impecunious not at fault motorist, referring to those who do not have the financial means or access to a replacement vehicle.

Through its dedicated Credit Hire sales team and network of 1,100 plus active introducers around the UK, Anexo provides customers with an end-to-end service including the provision of Credit Hire vehicles, assistance with repair and recovery, and claims management services. The Group's Legal Services division, Bond Turner, provides the legal support to maximise the recovery of costs through settlement or court action as well as the processing of any associated personal injury claim.

The Group was admitted to trading on AIM in June 2018 with the ticker ANX. For additional information please visit: